Vision Valley is a leader in IT services, business solutions & outsourcing that partners with its clients to simplify, strengthen and transform their business.

We are focused on delivering high-performance and scalable software products to different industries. We have experience of developing and maintaining successful software products, portals, real-time business analytics integrations.

SharePoint Business Process Automation

Business process automation is highly appreciated by enterprises that deal with multiple interrelated processes like document and asset management.

With business process automation tools, companies can decrease operational costs and increase employee productivity.

Vision Valley uses SharePoint for business process automation based on our experience in SharePoint consulting and development. Having implemented multiple projects to streamline business processes, we are well aware of the benefits and limitations of SharePoint as a business process automation platform and want to share our knowledge with you. Our notable projects include implementation of a document approval workflow, a data connectivity solution, a records management system, an HR management system, a learning portal, and an employee portal.

When it’s time to turn to automation

Companies turn to business automation when they face such challenges as:

  • Too much time is spent on repetitive tasks and simple workflows like contract lifecycle management.
    Thus, a contract’s approval by a sales department, an accounting department, a legal department and signing it by CEO may take 1-2 weeks.
  • Human error that can lead to disrupted business processes or downtime. For example, critical errors may occur when data from a contract is manually transferred to an invoice.
  • High probability of compliance breaches due to the lack of visibility into business processes and untimely scanning and installing relevant security updates.


    Due to extensive customization capabilities, we use SharePoint to automate both processes common for all industries (onboarding, document feedback and approval, reporting, training, asset management, accounting, purchasing approvals, vacation approvals, help desk requests) as well as industry-specific processes in.

    Mobile App Development

    Vision Valley is an expert in delivering high performance and scalable enterprise mobile apps in Android and iOS.

    Mobile devices have already conquered the internet. Social sharing, geo tagging and information search has taken the mobile to a different level altogether. If you have a business that seeks to reach its customers through internet, the mobile users need to be tapped. The most effective way to do it right now is having your own mobile application.

    At Vision Valley, we help you turn your idea into apps, solve problems and make your app a potential goldmine. Vision Valley boasts of standing in the top league when it comes to app development for iOS, Android and Windows. We have evolved into a one stop destination for mobile application creation to the final step of app marketing. We hire the most intelligent, proficient and tech-savvy mobile apps developers. Our developers have in-depth knowledge of major platforms/frameworks used for mobile development. Share your app idea with us let us create a valuable customer touch point for your business.

  • Make smart decisions faster with complete information access Call us now.

    How can we help?